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Apple Vision Pro: An Early Review

In an unexpected move, Andrej Karpathy has shared his initial impressions of the newly launched Apple Vision Pro, having purchased the device from a store last evening. With about three hours of usage split between a late-night session and this morning, his review offers a fresh perspective on Apple's latest innovation.

Unparalleled Visual Clarity with a Mixed Reality Experience

The standout feature of the Vision Pro, according to Karpathy, is its exceptional visual clarity, a significant leap beyond previous technology. However, this clarity comes with a caveat: while virtual elements display with sharp precision, the pass-through of real-world surroundings appears somewhat blurry and slightly lagged. This contrast creates a unique mixed reality experience that captivates the user. The simple act of arranging virtual windows around one's living space is described as an incredible and creatively stimulating experience.

A Launch Unlike Any Other for Apple

Karpathy notes a departure from Apple's usual polish with the Vision Pro launch. The device and its software present a mix of highly polished elements alongside others that feel undercooked or buggy. This inconsistency hints at a rushed development phase, where some teams may have had more time than others, leading to an uneven user experience.

Experiencing the Jank

The setup process and initial interactions with the Vision Pro were marred by several frustrations, from the impracticality of using FaceID with the device on, to various bugs and software glitches. Notably, the integration with Apple's ecosystem, such as iMessage and Apple TV, seems lacking, with expected features and seamless interactions absent or malfunctioning.

The Promise and Shortcomings of Spatial Computing

While the Vision Pro's hardware and the core Spatial Computing OS impress, the availability and visibility of apps that leverage this new computing paradigm are limited. Early adopter content on the App Store and the overall app experience feel lacking, with few environments and notable apps to explore.

The Physical Experience: A Work in Progress

The device's weight and the necessity of a double strap highlight the physical limitations of current VR technology. Despite these drawbacks, the high-quality eye tracking and the novel UI/UX interactions it enables are praised.

Concluding Thoughts and Recommendations for Apple

Karpathy concludes his review with cautious optimism, highlighting the revolutionary potential of the Vision Pro while pointing out significant areas for improvement. Recommendations for Apple include addressing bugs, curating quality content, and enhancing the overall user experience to fully realize the device's potential in spatial computing.

In a follow-up note, after updating the device to the latest software version, some issues were ameliorated, and new content within the Apple TV app provided a glimpse into the immersive potential of the Vision Pro. Yet, the overall experience still leaves room for refinement, particularly in content availability and the integration of spatial computing features.

Karpathy's early review of the Apple Vision Pro underscores the transformative potential of the device while highlighting the challenges Apple faces in delivering a consistent, polished user experience. As the technology matures, the Vision Pro could indeed mark a new era in computing, provided Apple addresses the teething issues of this ambitious product.

source: twitter

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